Week 11: Comics in Contemporary Literature

For this week's blog post, I read "Alice in Sunderland" on my own time, "Bone" and "Every Girl is the End of the World for Me" in class. So all of these comics were so different in comparison to each other. "Alice in Sunderland" was not even close to what I was expecting. Like at all. Like I talked about in class discussion it was super historical and very odd. I didn't really enjoy it that much but that's because of how historical it was but not like about one event in history, it was like jumping from one historical thing to another and it was a lot of information to take in. That comic kind of just made my head hurt to be honest so I got over halfway through it and then decided I didn't really care to see the ending.
The other two comics I at least enjoyed reading. I think I liked reading "Bone" the best out of the three. I liked the style of the drawings. Even though they were simple and heavily stylized, the read really well and were easy to follow. I liked that they had color to them and the storyline was entertaining. I read the one where they got lost and then got seperated so the main character was left on his own to find his way back and the humor in this comic was definitely my kind of humor. I think one of my favorite parts was when those monster-like creatures who constantly try to eat him come up to him and like growl or something in his face and he's like oh my lawdddd what did you have for lunch?! and then the mosters turned to each other and like thought about it and he had time to get away. I liked that kind of really dumb humor. I would definitely read more of these comics in the future.
And then there was "Every Girl is the End of the World for Me." that was an interesting comic. It was really just day to day activities within the comic so it wasn't that exciting and the main guy really just shoots himself in the foot with the girls he's seeing. He is that kind of breed that somehow is oblivious to how things effect others. He was kind of annoying and I know that he was sick in the comic but his constant coughing was driving me nuts and I couldn't even really hear it. I just think that he didn't really think things through like when he brought the one girl to where the other girl worked and wondered why she was upset and then the title is "Every Girl is the End of the World for Me" like he's not the problem? It was an interesting story but definitely not my favorite and was pretty cringey to read.


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