Week 14: The Future of Comics

For this last week of comics with the topic being "The Future of Comics" I decided to read some of my personal favorites. So with the future of comics I think one of the major advances made was bringing comics to phones through apps. I've got an app called Webtoons and I'm addicted to two of the comics on there. The comics are seperated into chunks like episodes that you'd watch with a show on like Netflix or Hulu, etc. Depending on when you find a comic there could either be a ton of comic "episodes" to read or there could only be a handful. The frustrating but also super smart thing that Webtoons does is that new comics are released every week or you could pay to read the next 3 early. I never pay for them because #college #imbroke but it is SO hard to wait sometimes!
The comics I read religiously are Assassin Roommate and Lore Olympus. They're both done by females and you can tell. There's variety in body shapes and colors (with Lore Olympus.) Both have love stories but they're really different. *Spoilers ahead* I really like how in Assassin Roommate the assassin isn't who you'd normally think. So out of the two roommates one is this tall, buff guy and the other is this short, chubbier ginger female. So the girl is the assassin and I just love that.
When it comes to Lore Olympus I like it a lot because I mean 1. the love story I'm a fan of but 2. it touches on real life problems from a women's perspective.
So a couple of examples of this would be that the main female character, Persephone gets raped by her roommate/best friend's brother while he's staying the night with them and to top it off later in the comic she realizes that she should've gotten her period and hadn't yet so she went to the clinic and the guy doing the testing was like lecturing her about how she should really be more careful about basically pregnancy scares if she's not ready and blah blah blah. Basically just being the complete opposite of compassionate or trying to empathize in any way shape or form and as she's walking out she calls him a dick or an asshole or something under her breath because he didn't understand what happened or was even remotely wanting/trying to understand her situation.
The comic also brings up marital issues when it comes to Zeus and Athena because Zeus cheats on her all the time and their relationship is pretty rocky. They fight a lot and to top it off Athena tries to put it on Hades who is Zeus's brother... Awkward. Like I know Hades is a total dreamboat and is a genuinely good guy but that's not cool.
Another thing the comic touches on is just overall unhealthy relationships like when it comes to Hades and his girlfriend Minthe, who like I cannot stand. Their relationship is really toxic and she manipulates him and basically everyone she knows whenever she gets the chance and then tries to do the whole poor me, why do these things happen to me? Well maybe it's a result of your own actions?? Anyway it's a really great comic and it shows a completely different perspective when it comes to the portrayal of the gods especially Hades. In most stories Hades is the bad guy and does all of these terrible things and isn't likeable in the slightest but in this comic he's totally the opposite.  I'd highly reccommend either of these comics to anyone because I enjoy them so much and how different they are compared to most comics! They're highly original and entertaining as all get-out.


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