Week 4: History of Comics

It's really interesting to see the difference between when comics were first starting out to where they are now. With this week's comics it's clear to see that there was a much bigger emphasis on the text used with the images within the panels. I read a little bit of the Airboy comics and there weren't hardly any panels that didn't have text to go along with it. It was also interesting to see the difference in how comics had color applied to them. With these comics it seemed stamp like and so sometimes not everything would match up perfectly so there would be some instances where the colors were out of the lines that they were intended to be in. I liked that some of the words were in bold type because they just read differently in my opinion. I like comics like this where your mind just automatically thinks up what certain things are making certain sounds like in one page the barn is set on fire and my brain just automatically thought of crackling fire sounds and what smell the characters would've smelt. I also think it's funny because I hear the different characters speaking in different voices based on how I think their personality comes off and how I would imagine they would sound like.

I found I was doing this a lot especially with the Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics. Since I seen the cartoons when I was little I can hear the way they sound when I'm reading the comics and I think it just makes them so much more entertaining to read. These comics have been some of my favorite to read so far because it kind of reminds me of the tricks and pranks me and my siblings used to play on each other when we were little and now that we're older we sometimes play little tricks on my nieces and they do it back to us. In most of the comics someone is always up to something. There's a lot of competition in the comics between Huey, Dewey, and Louie and either Uncle Scrouge or Uncle Donald or shall we say unca donald. For me comics like these are pure nostalgia and bring back a lot of good memories and at the very least always leave me with a smile on my face if not a good chuckle.


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