Week 6: Underground Comics

Oh boy, where to begin with this blog post. The underground comics are certainly something. I think I read the most out of the Tits and Clits comics because I thought it’d be pretty funny and I think it was. When it comes to crude things people can either be uncomfortable or find it amusing or maybe a mix of both? 
            I thought it was funny how extreme some bits of the comics got like the dildo covers for each type of woman out there because I think there are real things out in the world that people buy that are wild and most people would think do people actually use that?! Or like you’ll see this crazy ad saying its like a cooking gadget but really it’s a sexual device of some sort. It just reminded me of things like that and it made me laugh a bit.
            I did find it interesting thought that throughout the comic there were quite a few different styles page to page. Most of the pages were in black and white but then you’d get a few that had color which was a nice contrast while reading. I did find it a little strange when out of nowhere there would be a page that is super crosshatched and it didn’t really seem to fit with the rest of the comic pages but that’s just my opinion. 
            The comic also didn’t shy away from using a wide variety of people. Old, young, different occupations, and all kinds of different body shapes. I think one of the ones that I found funniest was the one with the 3 ladies sitting on the park benches and the guy comes along and the younger lady thinks he’s hot but doesn’t want to break the bond of sisterhood or something so she leaves and then the old lady leaves with the guy after making some very presumptuous comments. The whole dildo covers page was also really funny to me especially the names and descriptions of them. The Welfare one was one of my favorites because it literally just looked like a bag of flour that had patches on it but also had xxx on it.  
            I think when it comes to comics like these you just have to laugh at them otherwise it can get pretty weird pretty quickly. I think it'd be funny to catch someone's reaction to seeing someone just casually reading these comics. Like imagine you're just chilling at home and your mom strolls past and is like wtf are you reading I would die laughing.


  1. I definitely agree with having to take the offensive parts humorously and with a grain of salt; there was some wiiild stuff in these comics, especially Tits and Clits. I also found it interesting that there was so much variety, not only in the different styles of the comics themselves, but also in the variety of body types, races, and sexual orientation that's represented. With the latter I think it's evident that the comics were created by women.


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