Week 10: Manga & Japanese Comics Tradition

For this week's blog post, I read "Cinderella Boy." at first it was really hard to get into the groove with reading just because I've never read Manga before and the panels read backwards from what I'm used to reading which is completely normal for Manga. After I got past the way of reading I did find it fairly entertaining. It wasn't my favorite thing to read but it was terrible either. I kind of wish since the style is more simple that it would've been in color but that's just personal preference. I think the comic was slightly cliché and not super action packed so it made for a more laid back read. It didn't have me at the edge of my seat with anticipation so I found it slightly boring in a way. 
I did like that the main character was female even though she was pretending to be a guy... in a boy band lol but of course she had to start falling in love with one of the other boy band members. I can't even remember his name. The one part where they're walking out in public and the main character is in her female form and she's walking with the guy she's crushing on and the ONLY way to not get fans to notice him is for him to kiss her? Riiiiiiiiiiiiggghtttt. I feel like that would just be like oh it's this famous person and omg he's kissing some random girl "who is she???!!!" I feel like realistically it would just draw more attention to her and then people would start looking into who she is and end up blowing her whole member of a boy band cover? Maybe that's just me. All in all I don't think that I'll read a ton more of this comic but it was interesting to explore a different type of comic that I've never read before.


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