Week 13: Reconsidering the Superhero

For this week's blog post, I read Astro City Volume #4. I've never really gotten into super hero comics and I still don't think they're my favorite if I'm being honest. I'm not really sure why I don't like them that much I think it's just that I prefer other types of comics whether that's more love story comics or more humorous comics. I liked reading this comic but since I read "She-Hulk" last week it was hard not to make comparisons. I think one thing that bugged me was that the cover depicts this strong, female hero and then in the end the main character gets saved by who? A man. Of course.. I would've LOVED to have seen a female hero see that creep basically insinuating that he's going to rape this lady and just beat him to a pulp buttttttt that's just me. I did like how the females in this comic were drawn and how some had very distinct facial features and that there was a range when it came to race represented in this comic. I have mixed feelings about the ending. I like that she's considering not trying to be something she isn't but I also have that ugh feeling about staying and doing what her mom is telling her she should do because that also feels like her not doing things because she wants to. Like if she would've gone and found a job that she was actually interested in and all that I think I would've been okay with it. I do like that she was thinking of finding her own place around there though so at least she wouldn't still be living in her parents' place. Overall it was an interesting read but comics with super heroes still aren't at the top of my list of future reads.


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